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Planning Board Minutes 07/02/09
July 2, 2009 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
Scott Burnside (Chair)  Diane Chauncey (Staff)  Joseph Koziell (Member)
Jesse Lazar (Alternate)         Peter Moore (Planner)           Andrew Robblee (Member Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio)       Sandy Snow (Member)     Kathi Wasserloos (Member)                                                                       
Member & Staff Absent:  
CR Willeke (Vice-Chair)                 
Public Attendees:  
David Bashaw (Applicant)
Dennis McKenney (Surveyor)
Josh Bond (Ledger/Transcript)
Dan Wasielewski (Abutter)
Edward Lowe (Abutter)
7:00 Public Meeting:
Review Period
Appoint alternates to sit for absent members - Mr. Lazar to sit for the absent Mr. Willeke.

Business Meeting:

Approve the Minutes of the June 4, 2009 Board Meeting There was a discussion concerning the Notice of Decision for File # 2009-04PB, Lot Line Adjustment of  Map 214 Lot 42 & Lot 43. Two Board members felt that the # 4 condition should read: "The Mylar shall delineate all drainage flow lines and the deeds shall reflect the easements" rather than:  "The Mylar shall delineate all drainage easements on the two parcels". No quorum, no vote to approve the minutes. [This modification can not be made because the motion was made and approved at a Public Meeting. This paragraph was also in the June 18 minutes but the minutes were not approved due to no quorum.] Mr. Snow   moved to approve the minutes as presented. It was seconded by Mr. Koziell and approved.

Approve the Minutes of the June 18, 2009 Board Meeting    Mr. Snow   moved to approve the minutes as presented. It was seconded by Mr. Lazar and approved.

7:15 File # 2009-05PB Bashaw Minor Subdivision (Map 211 Lot 11) Stacy Hill Road
Chair Burnside introduced himself and the Board members and staff. Mr. Moore read the public notice as follows:  Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held at 7:15 PM, Thursday, July 2, 2009 at the Antrim Town Hall on the request of David & Kathryn Bashaw for a minor subdivision of property located at 33 Stacy Hill Road (Tax Map 213, Lot 11) in Antrim, NH, 03440, located in the Rural District. You are invited to appear in person or by agent or counsel to state reasons why you think this request should or should not be granted. Written concerns should be submitted to the Antrim Town Office prior to the meeting. The application and supporting documents are available for review at the Antrim Town Offices 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday. Diane Chauncey, Planning Assistant On behalf of the Antrim Planning Board.

Mr. Moore stated that all abutters had been sent registered mail and all but James & Susan Glinski had receipts returned. Two abutters (Helene Newbold and Dan Wasielewski had come into Town Hall to request information concerning the proposed subdivision).  Another abutter, Allan Salera had requested information via telephone.

Chair Burnside asked Mr. McKenney to present the minor subdivision proposal as agent for Kathryn & David Bashaw.

Mr. McKenney gave the Board the plans of the minor subdivision and described the parcel as follows:

·       20 acre piece to be divided into 3 parcels
·       213-011 - 11.8 acres; 213-011-001 - 5.8 acres; 213-011-002 - 11.6 acres
·       All 3 lots have frontage on Stacey Hill Rd
·       213-011-001 lot will not have frontage on the North Branch River
·       Home by river has new well and septic (213-011)
·       Cottage has new well and septic (213-011-002)
·       Parcels are in three zoning districts – rural , institutional overlay, shoreland protection (250’ of reference line of river)

The following questions were asked by Board members and answered by Mr. McKenney.
·       What is the frontage for each lot?
     213-011           274.33
        213-011-001             375.66
        213-011-002             228.63

·       Why are their limited contour lines?
     The two existing structures have wells and septic systems; therefore only the lot        
        without a structure was drawn topographically.

·       Are the existing septic systems  state approved?
        The septic systems are old enough to not have construction numbers.

·       Was a perc test done on the 4k sf area in Lot 1?
        No, but a septic system can be constructed on the lot.

·       Is the cottage rented?
        Mr. Bashaw explained that it has not been rented since 2007.

Chair Burnside asked the Planning Staff and the Board members if the application was complete and should it be accepted. Mr. Koziell moved to accept the application of David & Kathryn Bashaw for a minor subdivision of property located at 33 Stacy Hill Road (Tax Map 213, Lot 11) in Antrim, NH, 03440 in the Rural, Highway and Institutional Overlay District. Mr. Schacht seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Koziell, aye; Mr. Robblee, aye; Mr. Burnside, aye; Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; Mr. Snow, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; Mr. Lazar, aye.

Public Hearing
Review application
        Waiver requests: Checklist #5 - B.3.A - 1"= 150' fits a sheet better
                            Checklist #16 - B.3.A (11) - Wetland mapping due to size of lot

Mr. Robblee moved that the application be accepted as presented. Mr. Schacht seconded the motion and with a roll call vote the Board accepted the application.

Chair Burnside asked the Public Attendees if any were in favor of the proposal, not for the proposal or had questions.

Mr. Wasielewski was interested in the intended use of the parcels, the percolation tests, and if there were any pre-sales.

Mr. Bashaw explained that he had bought the property with two homes in 2002 from the Boatwrights.  Although, he liked the area, he had moved into another home out of Antrim and no longer wished to own the Antrim property. His children particularly like the land and because of that he had decided to sell the former "Boatwright" home and the other two parcels may be for his children.

Mr. Wasielewski questioned the status of the stonewall that borders from the road to the river.

Chair Burnside asked if the wall is a part of the property line.

Mr. McKenney said that it was a boundary wall and should not be removed.

Mr. Lowe said that he was concerned about Stacy Hill Road. He said that in the winter there was only one way in and one way out. He would like to see Stacy Hill Road open all the way thorough all year round.

Chair Burnside said that although he shared Mr. Lowe's concern, the road closure was not a Planning Board issue.

Mr. Moore read a letter from the Newbolds which said that they had no objection to the subdivision proposal.

Department Reviews – The only Department to make comment was the Conservation Committee (ConCom). Mr. Beblowski (ConCom Chair) "reminded the Board of the ConCom's Natural Resource Benefit Policy for impacts (potentially) to wetland buffer areas". His letter also expressed concern for the gravel driveway which had "failed catastrophically several times during flooding events during the 1980's and 1990's". Mr. Bashaw explained that the driveway had been completely redone with six culverts and since that repair had been completed, there had been no major failure. Now, there was nothing more than routine maintenance for the driveway.
Mr. Schacht moved to accept the waiver for the wetlands delineation.
Mr. McKenney said that two of the lots have already  been developed, and it would be reasonable to assume that a newly constructed house on the middle lot (which is not in the Shoreland Protection 250') could be placed so as not to impact the Shoreland or the Wetlands. All the lots are large enough - over the five (5) acres.

Chari Burnside asked Mr. McKenney if, in his opinion, there was more than enough “upland”  (to construct a house).

Mr. McKenney gave a firm yes - that there was more than what is required.

Mr. Snow asked about steep slopes on the 5.8 Acre parcel.

Mr. McKenney said that there was plenty of room for a house - the septic system may be expensive.

Chair Burnside said that he would be more comfortable if the percolation tests were done and that would be a condition of approval.

Chair Burnside asked if there were any last questions.

Mr. Wasielewski asked if the driveways already existed and concerns about drainage.

Mr. McKenney said that the driveways were existing and drainage would not be a problem.


The Check List for a Minor Subdivision for Kathryn & David Bashaw, File #2009-05PB was reviewed by the Board. Items were either satisfied, N/A, or a waiver was satisfied by a Roll Call Vote. Items #1 - 40 were 'satisfied'. Item #41 "Written approval by the NHDES Subsurface Systems Bureau for the subdivision" was not satisfied.

Mr. McKenney did not know that this requirement would be needed.

There was a short discussion of the requirement, and it was determined that Mr. McKenney would discuss the matter with Department of Environmental Services.

Mr. McKenney said that if it were needed, it would take four to six weeks for the approval. Mr. McKenney said that he would perform the perc tests when the "sun shone again". (The month of June had been an extremely wet month)

The Public Hearing was closed.

Business Meeting:

Lapointe/Somers – Review proposed drainage easement on revised plans
The Board was satisfied with the revised plans. Mr. Koziell moved to accept the revised plans as presented. Mr. Schacht seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Koziell, aye; Chair Burnside, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; Mr. Snow, aye; Mr. Robblee, aye; Mr. Lazar, aye; Mrs. Wasserloos, aye.

Proposed Subdivision Rules & Regulations - Mr. Moore has continued to edit the rules and regulations and will have copies for the Board at the next meeting.

Master Plan – Mr. Moore continued to edit and revise.

Cell Tower update – The Zoning Board of Adjustment will begin deliberations on July 7, 2009.

Correspondences:  None
Code Enforcement:  No new actions

At 8:45pm, Mr. Koziell moved to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mr. Snow, and unanimously approved. Chair Burnside adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Planning Assistant, On behalf of the Antrim Planning Board